our 2023 benefit

2023 annual benefit

Over 250 friends of the Community Center joined us last Friday night to celebrate together in the Walker Center for the Arts at the Harvey School.

Helping our neighbors in need is a shared endeavor...

Images of some of the neighbors who have been helped by the Center greeted guests as they walked through our business-sponsored "Giving Pathway" on their way to the event.

Once inside, all were entertained by the lively tunes from the Kessler Jazz Quartet while snacking on delicious passed small bites from Revel by Dinner Thyme and sipping on tasty cocktails from Vine and Co., Run & Hide Brewery, and Captain Lawrence.

We were so thrilled to gather together on such a beautiful fall evening and to spend time with friends, old and new. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, sponsored, donated and attended for your hard work and generous support to make the event so special!

We missed seeing those of you who were unable to attend; we appreciate you and hope to celebrate with you in the future!

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Jill Abolt Daisy Kapahi Mary Ann Robinson
Cynthia Braun Esther Koli Rebecca Roban
Lindsey Green Dawn-Marie Manwaring Kimberly Suter
  Vicki Marwell  

With the help of our community, we are able to provide our neighbors in need with care, hope, and opportunity by offering equitable access to food and clothing, and an array of services that build a clear pathway toward stability and self-sufficiency.