facts & stats

2023 Facts and Stats

      • 3,235 families from 38 N. Westchester communities came to us for help

      • We supported 1,116 new families who came to the Center for help for the first time

      • 757,924 lbs. of food were distributed

      • Over half a million meals were provided through food support

      • 16,437 food pantry visits or home deliveries were made

      • 8,965 visits were made to our Clothing Boutique

      • 1,707 children from pre-K through high school received brand new school supplies

      • 2,100 children were given new blankets, hats, gloves and socks for the holidays

      • 1,616 families received additional holiday foods to make their Thanksgiving brighter

      • 76 individuals participated in one of our English language classes.

      • 44 Sewing and Design students are successfully selling their handmade products

      • 29 students received an academic scholarship to help them achieve their educational goals.

      • 690 seniors have been helped to meet their basic needs and provided emotional support.

Breakdown of People Served:

      • 3,235 Households
      • 3,718 Children
      • 6,833 Adults
      • 690 Seniors
      • 11,241 TOTAL